Friday, 30 May 2014

OK, I'll just take a selfie....

We've had a ball this month at Jazzercise South West Sydney.  Our customers are really getting into the spirit of our attendance game and are "checking in" via Facebook to every class they are attending.  This week we even added an extra criteria where you had to add a selfie to your check in. And we have had some very creative entries! We look forward to announcing our winners shortly.
So, there are more benefits to this competition besides prizes.  The more times you come to class per week, the more benefits you receive from working out, including (but not limited to!):
·         At least a 65% decreased risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and stroke
·         A decreased risk of diabetes and osteoporosis
·         Improved movement of joints and muscles and oxygen delivery throughout the body
·         Body fat reduction and increase of lean muscle
·         Improved sense of strength, endurance and overall wellbeing
The above list of benefits may not be immediately tangible, but they will definitely pay off over time. The benefits will last more than any competition we every have (though we of course will still have these!)
There's just a couple of days to go now to enter the Check in competition.  So, come to class and show your check in and you automatically go into the running.  Come and receive all your benefits in a 60 minute class.  Oh, yeah...and take a selfie.